March is Water Action Month: Make A Difference

Access to drinking water and sanitation services are recognised as basic human rights. Without them, we cannot ensure people can live healthy lifestyl

Many of us barely think twice when we need to use water. 

We just pop to the loo, hit the flush then watch our solid or liquid waste disappear before our eyes. We feel thirsty, walk to the tap and then fill our glasses with safe drinking water without issue. We need to wash the dishes, turn on the tap and get instant access to water. 

But for a huge percentage of the global population, the reality is very different. 

According to the United Nations; “3 in 10 people lack access to safely managed drinking water services and 6 in 10 people lack access to safely managed sanitation facilities. At least 892 million people continue to practice open defecation.” 

This Water Action Month (March 2022), we’re standing with the End Water Poverty campaign to make a difference. 

By raising awareness of the issues and finding better eco-friendly solutions, we can ensure the world has access to this basic human right.

Why sanitation and access to safely managed water matters

Access to drinking water and sanitation services are recognised as basic human rights. Without them, we cannot ensure people can live healthy lifestyles, keep disease at bay, eradicate poverty or maintain our dignity as human beings. 

However, water scarcity affects around 40% of the global population and is likely to rise. 

The numbers of deaths alone as a result of this are astonishing. Every day, 1,000 children die due to preventable water and sanitation-related diarrheal diseases and unsafe water is said to account for 1.2 million deaths every year. 

What is the solution?

Together, we can take action to help ensure universal access to clean drinking water and sanitation, without causing damage to our fragile planet. 

Potential solutions include 

  1. Supporting projects and campaigns, volunteering and getting involved with fundraising to help guarantee drinking water and sanitation to those who need it most. Visit the Water Action Month website to find out how.

  2. Improving sanitation facilities by providing eco-friendly toilets and hand sanitising stations that don’t flush into the local environment. Our hand washing range, hand sanitising station and Sanitree Hand Sanitising station are ideal solutions. Contact us to find out more.

  3. Promoting good hygiene and encouraging washing with soap. This can help reduce water-borne diseases and potentially save lives.

  4. Harvesting and storing rainwater for drinking or sanitation purposes.

  5. Promoting or providing low-cost solutions to make drinking water safe. This can include filters, chlorine tablets and plastic bottles. 


Access to clean and safe drinking water and sanitation is a basic human right that millions of people around the world cannot access. But by helping to raise awareness, fundraising, and offering eco-friendly, low-cost solutions, we can ensure we all stay healthy, happy and retain our dignity. 

To find out more about our eco-friendly sanitation solutions that are free from single-use plastics, carbon neutral and made in the UK, contact us today. 


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Former Marketing Support for Plastic Solutions (Aldridge) Ltd and the Glampsan start up

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With close on years' experience in the portable sanitation industry, Jon is our General Manager and Sales & Marketing Lead

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