Tuff Tank Design No.1. Rainwater Channels

Tuff Tanks are more than just a big plastic box. Some serious thinking has gone into their design. Here's the first item in our list of features.

Tuff Tanks are more than just a big plastic box. Some serious thinking has gone into their design.

Here's the first item in our list of design features.

Rainwater channels around inlet and outlet points.

“Design,” said Steve Jobs, “is a funny word. Some people think design means how it looks. But, of course, if you dig deeper, it’s how it really works.”

We don't claim Apple as the inspiration for the design of the Tuff Tank but we have taken care to ensure that they work as effectively and intuitively as possible.

Plastic waste tanks don't get treated very carefully.  They are lugged around construction sites and left out in all weathers in fields.

Exposure to the weather means that will get rained on and, for normal tanks, that carries the problem of an unintentional top-up to the tank.  No so good if your tank is holding clean water that just about to get discoloured.  Worse if the tank is already full to the brim with liquid waste.

That's why the Tuff Tank has rainwater channels around both the inlet and outlet points. The problem of standing water is eliminated because the rain just runs off.

rainwater channels on Plastic Solutions Tuff Tank liquid waste tanks

We'll be back with more interesting design features from the Tuff Tank shortly.

For more details of the Tuff Tank plastic waste tank call freephone 0800 334 5742 or use our contact form today.


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Jeannie Hoddinott

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Stu is an important member of our sales team and makes sure you get the right products at the right time and the right place.

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Our marketing team tweets, posts blogs, newsletters and updates on a regular basis.

Karl Allen

Karl is our sales and admin manager and makes sure you get the right products at the right time and the right place.

Andrew Jenkins

Former Marketing Support for Plastic Solutions (Aldridge) Ltd and the Glampsan start up

Marketing Team (old)

Our marketing team tweets, posts blogs, newsletters and updates on a regular basis.

Jon Trelfa

With close on years' experience in the portable sanitation industry, Jon is our General Manager and Sales & Marketing Lead

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